We care where you spend eternity

Events Calendar

February Fellowship Meal

02/28/2010 18:00
You are invited to attend a Fellowship Meal this Sunday night. When: February 28 Time: service starts at 6:00pm Where: Bethany FWB Church Who: Everyone

Junior Mystery Madness

02/27/2010 16:00
This Saturday all Juniors are invited to the Mystery Madness activity.  We will be meeting at the church and enjoying a meal and lots of fun together.  There will also be time in the Word with Bro. Josh.  Please, encourage your childdren and grandchildren to come out and be apart of...

State Association Meeting

02/25/2010 10:00
The South Carolina Free Will Baptist State Association Meeting will be held this Thursday and Friday in Conway, SC.  Pastor and Mrs. Hanna along with Bro. Josh and Mrs. Stephanie will be attending. 

Teen Bowling Activity

02/19/2010 17:00
On February 19, at five o'clock that afternoon the teens are asked to meet at the church for dinner and then we will be leaving to go to the bowling alley.  We should be back by nine thirty that night.  If you need a ride to the church or a ride home, just let Bro. Josh know.

Senior Valentine Banquet

02/05/2010 19:00
The Teens of Bethany would like to invite the Senior Saints to the Vanentine Banquet.  Please, sign up on the sign up sheet in the church foyer. When: Friday February 5, 2010   Time: 7:00pm Happy Valentine's Day in advance!

Round Up Sunday

01/31/2010 10:00
It's time to roundup your friends and family for a time of food, fun, singing, preaching, and fellowship. Don't forget to wear your western duds. Date: Sunday January 31, 2010 Time: Sunday School at 10:ooam          Worship at 11:00 am Fellowship meal...

Youth Skate in the New Year

01/23/2010 10:15
Meet at the church at 10:15 for a morning of skating in the New Year! When: Saturday January 23, 2010 Time: 10:15 am Where: Skating Rink then back to church for lunch We can pick up your child if they need a ride to and from the activity.  Please call the church and leave a message.

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